A Mystic Baul Music Evening "Hridmajharey Rakhbo" was presented by Pointers Who Care to celebrate Poila Baisakh, the start of the Bengali New Year. Our teachers, along with PWC members and supporters and their families, were swept off their feet by the soulful renditions of the different forms of Folk Music of Bengal by the duo of Bauls -- Kaushik and Antara. Kaushik and Antara need no introduction. They have been featured in all the PWC events and have made their mark in the Kolkata music circuit since a long time ago. They are bold in their approach, infusing strains of World music with the Baul music form. The music that ensued could have surprised purists, but it was embraced lovingly by the discerning crowd of Kolkata, who have always supported innovation and progress. It was in the most recent Teachers Reunion, the third of its kind organized by PWC, where the teachers expressed a very strong desire to listen to Kaushik singing on stage for a full evening. Judging by the reaction of the audience after the concert, Kaushik, Antara and PWC exceeded all expectations. The members of the PWC family took up responsibility of escorting the teachers and other guests, welcoming them, getting them seated, arranging refreshments during the break and arranging transportation for all the teachers who needed such services. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Samikshan, who were responsible for the technical anchoring of the whole show. They took care of all necessary requirements -- bureaucratic, technical, artistic and aesthetic. The stage lights, arranged by Samikshan, was a thrilling visual delight, reminiscent of the kaleidoscopic light shows that accompanied big ticket music extravaganzas of yesteryears. We also wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all our Patrons for making the show a great success. Excerpts from the Event Note: "The event aims to present a set of traditional songs that contain and reflect the root mystic spirit of Bengal in its 'sahajiya' revelation. The Baul philosophy which in truth is an outcome of social, political and historical evolution of "Sahajyana" -- a Buddhist lineage -- is a mystical spiritual school essential to Bengal only. It also stands strikingly apart from most other spiritual schools in terms of its anti-dogmatic outlook, non-ritualistic spiritual understanding and "humanity above all" approach. For centuries, with belief in their heart and music as an only armament, the Bauls have dared to take on all forms of social, political and religious evils just to make the world a more loving and caring place. PWC is proud to embody the Baul Spirit." [Click here for photos.] |