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Medical Camp (E.N.T.)   [ 8. May. 2010 - 22:00]
The activities of the ENT Medical Camp began on time at 9:30 AM on the 8th of May, 2010 and lasted for over a couple of hours.

The teachers who had signed up for the Camp were personally escorted by the several volunteers.  The Camp activities commenced punctually; Dr. Atri Bandopadhyay began the proceedings promptly, with able accompaniment from the audiologist .

The teachers were diagnosed with varying degrees of throat and hearing impairments.  Appropriate medications were prescribed. They were also advised by the doctor to contact him directly in case of unexpected developments and,  of course, for follow -up treatments.  Some teachers were diagnosed to be in fine shape, as well.

All teachers were offered welcome drinks.  Surprisingly,  Dr. Bandopadhyay too had  made arrangements for cold beverages and gifts.  The teachers expressed much satisfaction with the handling of the event and showered profuse blessings on the PWC team.

Dr. Bandopadhyay expressed much reluctance at accepting his due honorarium.  However, he assured us of his constant support for all future ventures.  It was with the cooperation and dedication of all the members of the PWC team that this event could be achieved.  Kudos, team!

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